As with my watercolors, I here attempt to put together as many aircraft paintings reproductions as I can. I realized these paintings over a period spanning from 1991 circa to present days.
The various subjects have been painted either for an editor, for a private collector or for my own pleasure and are executed with watercolor, tempera, acrylics and oil techniques – sometimes with a mixed techniques such as watercolor and tempera.
AerMacchi MB.326K, Tunisia
Ansaldo A.1, Poland
Ansaldo SVA 9/10, Schoenbrunn, Wien
Ansaldo SVA 9/10, detail
Ansaldo SVA, Rescue and Escape
Aviatik & Albatros, Adige Valley
Aviatik, detail
Bleriot XI, Beginning of the Wr
Campini, Caproni CC.1, Rome
CANT Z.506C, Crete
CANT Z.506C, Torre Astura
CANT Z.1015, Po Valley
Caproni 100 & 101, Saudi Arabia Coast
Caproni Ca.3, Libya Coast
Caproni Ca.3, Night Action
Caproni Ca.3, Pola Harbour
Caproni Ca.3, Tagliamento Frontline
Caudron Ca.4, Northern France
Chiodi CH.1
Douglas DC-6, Rome
FBA H, Venice
Fiat G.59 2B, Lecce-Galatina
Fiat G.59 2B, Over Salent
Flying Over Rieti
Fokker D.VII, Return to the Base
Hanriot HD.1, Adriatic Front
Flying Over the Terminillo Mt.
Me-109G, Sortie Over Palermo
Me-109G, detail
Nieuport 29
Nieuport Vs. Albatros Over The Dolomites
Phoenix C.1, Italy Frontline
Pomilio PD, New York
PV-1 Harpoon
Reggiane Re.2005, Vesuvius Mt.
Reggiane re.2005, detail
S.55, New York
S.55, Punta Ala
S.55, Sperlonga
SM.73, Athens
SM.83, Sabaudia
SIA 7B, Foggia-Amendola
SIA 7B, detail
SM.79, Aegean Sea
SM.79, Dolomites
SM.79, I. Balbo Over Tobruk
SM.79, Lebanon
SM.79, Paris
SM.79, Santorini Is.
Spad XIII, Campagna Romana
Spitfire MK.IX, Castel Gandolfo Lake
Spitfire MK.IX, Normandie
Stinson L-5, Dover Coast
Stuka, Malta Is.
T-6, Aerobatics
T-6, Approaching Galatina
T-6, Bari Airfield
T-6, Effemeridi
T-6 Formation Flight
T-6, Salento Fields
Voisin LA, 1915 Frontline
Yokosuka D4Y1
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Ho visto le sue copertine di Ali Antiche, e anche il suo sito è bello.
L. Pavese
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Molto belli, complimenti.
Ho visto le sue copertine di Ali Antiche, e anche il suo sito è bello.
L. Pavese
La ringrazio per il Suo apprezzamento e mi scuso per l’enoooorme ritardo con cui rispondo al Suo commento. Prossimamente dovrò aggiornare il sito con nuovi soggetti. Cordialmente